Press Info

Fact Sheet

Chapter Name: Northbrook Chapter

Chorus Name: The New Tradition Chorus

Director: Mitch Greenberg

Affiliation: The Northbrook Chapter is a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (, which has 30,000 members in 800 chapters. The Northbrook Chapter is affiliated with the Illinois District (, which has 37 Chapters.

Size: The Northbrook Chapter has 40 active members.

Date Founded: The Northbrook Chapter was founded in 1982.

Activities: The chorus stages several public performances each year (including two semi-annual shows). It also competes regularly in District and Society-wide competitions, supports the Illinois District in its programs, and provides support to local college and high school quartets and choruses. Although the chorus focuses on the four-part close harmony associated with the barbershop style, it performs a large variety of music from many genres.

Honors and other recognition:

The chorus has medaled 19 times since 1988, including a Gold Medal in 2001.

In addition to its own semi-annual shows, the chorus has performed in numerous venues across Chicagoland, including the Arie Crown Theatre, Copernicus Center, Navy Pier (Democratic National Convention Media Party), Chicago White Sox games, Chicago Bears halftime shows, Wilmette Summer Festival, Schaumburg Summer Series, Lake Zurich Centennial, and the Grand Geneva Resort in Lake Geneva, WI.

The chorus has performed on prominent stages across the US and Europe, including:

Roaring 20s Festival, Killarney, Ireland 1997
Crystal Cathedral July 4th worship service, Anaheim CA, 1999
Brighton England, 2000
Contact Information:

Mailing Address:
The New Tradition
2119 Inverness Ln.
Glenview, IL 60026

Phone Number: For tickets 847-461-9246
Phone Number: For Information 847-834-4220
VP of Marketing & PR: Lee Kingdon: